JM2 Geotechnical offer our clients a full range of geotechnical engineering and geological services, including site exploration and evaluation, development of foundation earthwork recommendations, and construction monitoring. We provide a high level of expertise in the following service areas: Geotechnical Drilling and Testing; Site Reconnaissance, Hollow Stem Auger Drilling, Mud Rotary Drilling, Wireline Rock Coring, Groundwater Monitoring Well and Piezometer, Split Spoon Testing (SPT), Shelby Tube Sampling, Pressuremeter Testing, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Testing (DCP), Field Infiltration Testing, Geotechnical Instrument Installation

Our registered Professional Engineers (PEs) and certified technicians provide comprehensive consulting, engineering, testing, and inspection services by applying sound theoretical concepts grounded in practical knowledge of the behavior of construction materials under various conditions. All JM2 inspectors have the necessary training, technical certifications, and experience to perform the services. JM2 has a well-equipped Professionals and trained technicians certified by local and national agencies including
VDOT, WACEL (Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories), and ACI (American Concrete Institute). We maintain strict quality control standard with meticulous record keeping.
Our Laboratory

We are a unique a firm that offers design, consulting, as well as materials testing and inspection services under one umbrella. with integrated design and construction experience, we are very responsive to construction related problem solving. All testing is performed under the supervision of a Professional Engineer and testing is performed in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO Specifications.
Our Laboratory is currently under establishment. JM2 is running some of the testing through external agencies accredited and certified at national level.